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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
​Homeschool Preschool

Not everyone is comfortable sending their precious little one off into the world at this age. But that's okay. I have a solution for that, too. I have begun designing curriculum that you can use at home to teach your child the concepts he or she needs to know before they start school. You can find this curriculum material at my teachers pay teachers store. If you purchase my material please leave feedback, so I can continue to meet the educational needs of others.

If you would prefer prepared materials or if you have any special requests contact me:

I can also take custom orders for any of the handcrafted toys that are available in my preschool. Pictures will be posted on site as soon as available.

​ PreK Class

PreK literally means before Kindergarten. The challenge for PreK teachers is to guide children in a way that actively engages their creative mind, but they are so young. Getting them to sit still for three hours would be an impossible feat. So, you invite them to play a little game. Or you sing a song to learn the color words. You can even bring a little puppet friend to story time. You sing. You dance. You play, play, play. All the while, you are reinforcing concepts that are vital for them to learn.

PreK Class will be held MWF from 12 PM to 3 PM. An afternoon snack will be provided. 

Tuition is as follows:

There is a one time Registration fee of $25 and an annual materials fee of $50 payable at the time of registration.


The tuition fee is as follows:


Weekly rate--$45               Payable on the Friday before the next school week


Monthly rate--$198             Payable on the 1st Friday of each month


Semester rate--$990       Payable on August 12, 2016  and January 16, 2017


Yearly rate--$1980              Payable on August 12, 2016


There will be a 3-day grace period for those who pay a weekly rate, and a 7-day grace period for those who pay a monthly rate. There will be a $25 late fee for tuition paid after the grace period. Payments not made by the end of the grace period may be grounds for suspension of student until the financial matter is resolved.

 Kindergarten Class

Kindergarten is the beginning of your educational career, or so they say. It begins before that, but for the purposes of this description we will say it is a new beginning. At this age, children are nearing the end of an era in which their brains absorb and master material more quickly than any other time in their lives. Let's take advantage of the short window we have and prepare the children to begin a new journey in life. Academic success, social acceptance, and spiritual growth are all important aspects of this journey. When we integrate all three aspects into one objective, children will look forward to a bright future. Only then, can we as teachers, feel that we have accomplished our goal.

Kindergarten Class will be held on MWF 8 AM to 11 AM. A morning snack will be provided. 

Tuition is as follows:

There is a one time Registration fee of $25 and an annual materials fee of $50 payable at the time of registration.


The tuition fee is as follows:


Weekly rate--$45               Payable on the Friday before the next school week


Monthly rate--$198             Payable on the 1st Friday of each month


Semester rate--$990       Payable on August 12, 2016  and January 16, 2017


Yearly rate--$1980              Payable on August 12, 2016


There will be a 3-day grace period for those who pay a weekly rate, and a 7-day grace period for those who pay a monthly rate. There will be a $25 late fee for tuition paid after the grace period. Payments not made by the grace period may be grounds for suspension of student until the financial matter is resolved.

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